There were two people living in the home at the time of our visit. We spoke with one person who told us that they had been out to the shops that morning. They said that they were supported to make decisions about their care and their day-to-day lives. This included planning menus and choosing when and where to go out. The person also said that they were supported to be independent and told us about the household chores they shared with the other person who lived in the home. The other person had a job and was out at work.
People had been given information about the service so that they knew what to expect. They were involved in developing their care plans, for example by saying what support they needed and when. People's needs were assessed and care and treatment was planned and delivered in line with their individual care plan.
There were safeguarding procedures and staff had received training so that people were protected from abuse. Staff had also received a range of training and qualifications and they were supervised and supported so that they could meet people's needs.
People were asked their views about the service and these were listened to and acted upon. There was a system to monitor the quality of the service that people received and to make improvements when needed. People's health, safety and welfare were promoted and protected.