People who used the service we spoke with told us they were happy with the service they received, and that the dentists involved them in decisions about their proposed treatment. People told us the dentists were excellent and information was provided to help them to make informed decisions. People told us they were always treated in a respectful manner, and the dentists and staff knew them well, and were very friendly and helpful. People said that the dentists had always asked them for an update on their health at each visit. Everyone we spoke with said they were fully informed about their proposed treatment including the cost, and were given options where possible. All of the people we spoke with said they were very happy with their treatment, and felt that practices were safe and protected them. A number of people said they had recommended the practice to other family members.
The practice treatment rooms and staff practices were clean and hygienic. The premises were maintained in a good state of cleanliness. All of the people we spoke with said they found the practice to be clean.
Staff were qualified but the planning and provision of some important training was not in place to ensure their practice was current. There was no agreed regularity for the supervision of clinical staff.