• Dentist
  • Dentist

Archived: Chiswick Health Centre

Fishers Lane, Chiswick, London, W4 1RX (020) 8994 6202

Provided and run by:
Clarke, Marnitz & Associates

Important: The partners registered to provide this service have changed. See new profile

All Inspections

9 January 2013

During a routine inspection

During the inspection we talked with three people who used the service, one relative and four members of staff to get their views about the service that was provided by the dental practice.

People who talked with us were satisfied with the treatment they received. They said their needs were appropriately assessed and they were given information about the various options for treatment and the associated costs and could choose which one they wanted. One person said 'the dentist explained the treatment and I was able to decide which treatment was best for me'.

Before people received treatment, the dentists ensured they had all the necessary information to ensure people were safe. They made sure they had up to date information about people's medical history and the medicines they were taking. One person said 'I get very good treatment and they carry a thorough check up of my teeth'.

The practice had a procedure to deal with medical emergencies and some medicines were available to treat people if there was an emergency. Staff at the practice had a good awareness of the arrangements to safeguard children but they were not too familiar with the action to take to safeguard adults. We were informed that training in this area has been arranged for staff.

The practice carried out audits to assess and monitor the quality of the service that it provided. A satisfaction survey had not yet been carried out, but the manager said they would ensure this was done.