Updated 31 October 2022
Bromley Drug and Alcohol service is part of the national provider Change Grow Live who deliver a not-for-profit drug and alcohol treatment service. The service provides specialist community treatment and support for adults and young people affected by substance misuse who live in Bromley.
Bromley Drug and Alcohol service offers a range of services including, initial advice, assessment and harm reduction services; prescribed medicines for alcohol and opiate detoxification and stabilisation; naloxone dispensing; group recovery programmes; one-to-one key working sessions; counselling; health and blood borne virus checks and hepatitis C testing. CGL Bromley also provides an outreach service to engage certain groups through a criminal justice team and a young person’s service. The young person’s team provided advice and support to clients aged 5 and above and their families impacted by substance misuse.
This was the first inspection of this location, which has been running an integrated substance misuse service in Bromley since 1 December 2018. During this time, the service has established partnerships with health and social care, probation services, GPs and pharmacies to provide help and support to clients within the London Borough of Bromley. At the time of our inspection, the service had 11 recovery coordinators, two team leaders, one admin staff, one data lead, one volunteer and peer mentor Lead, one quality and safeguarding lead, four clinical staff and one service manager.
The service received most of its funding from the local authority and the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities and had recently received funding for four new roles; one recovery co-ordinator, one health care assistant, one data administrator and one recovery motivator.
The service is registered for the following regulated activity:
• Treatment of disease, disorder or injury.
At the time of inspection there was a registered manager in place who was due to leave the service and the new service manager was in the process of becoming the new registered manager.
What people who use the service say
Clients told us that staff were kind, caring, non-judgemental and genuinely interested in their wellbeing and recovery.
One client commented that ‘after initial assessment it was a relief to find a place where you were heard, understood and not alone.’
A recently discharged client said that ‘staff had treated me with compassion and sympathy and their support and treatment had been life changing.’
The service adapted its contact with clients during the restrictions of the Covid-19 pandemic and facilitated virtual and telephone contact, to ensure that clients still received therapeutic interventions, including counselling. Clients told us that they felt supported during the pandemic and they received advice from staff about their care and treatment, including access to virtual support sessions.