2 May 2014
During an inspection in response to concerns
We found that people were treated respectfully and that their views and comments were taken into account in the way that the service was managed in relation to their care. People told us that they were very happy with the care and treatment that they received.
We found that there were appropriate arrangements in place for minimising the risks of health care related infections. The premises were clean and well maintained. There were procedures for general cleaning and sterilising dental instruments. These procedures were regularly monitored to ensure that they were effective and that people were protected. Staff undertook training and were aware of their responsibilities to keep people safe.
Staff we spoke with told us that they received support and opportunities for learning and personal development. From records viewed we saw that staff received an annual work appraisal and that they undertook training and learning to meet their requirements for registration with the General Dental Council.
We found that the service was meeting the essential standards for the outcome areas we inspected at the time of this visit.