• Dentist
  • Dentist

Archived: High Peak Dental Care

Eccles Road, Chapel-en-le-Frith, High Peak, Derbyshire, SK23 9RG (01298) 812741

Provided and run by:
Dr. Shahzad Akhtar

Important: The provider of this service changed. See old profile
Important: This service is now registered at a different address - see new profile

All Inspections

30 March 2015

During an inspection looking at part of the service

Previous inspections on the 22 August 2013, 13 February 2014 and 15 July 2014 and 9 September 2014 found that High Peak Dental Care was not meeting the standard for supporting workers, as staff were not appropriately supported to carry out their work. We served a warning notice on 23 July 2014 requiring that High Peak Dental Care meet the above standard by 1 September 2014.

At our inspection 9 September we found that the service had made some improvements but was not yet meeting the required standard for supporting workers.

We carried out this inspection on 30 March 2015, to check whether the practice had met the standard for supporting workers. We did not speak with any patients on this occasion.

We found that improvements had been made and the practice was now meeting the required standard.

An appraisal system was in place and records showed that all six staff had received a recent appraisal of their work. Staff we spoke with told us they felt supported and had adequate training to carry out their role.

9 September 2014

During an inspection looking at part of the service

Previous inspections on the 22 August 2013, 13 February 2014 and 15 July 2014, found that High Peak Dental Care was not meeting the standard for supporting workers, as staff were not appropriately supported to carry out their work. We served a warning notice on 23 July 2014 requiring that High Peak Dental Care meet the above standard by 1 September 2014.

We carried out this inspection to check whether the practice had met the standard for supporting workers. We did not speak with any patients on this occasion.

We found that some improvements had been made. However, the practice was not meeting the required standard.

An appraisal system was in place for the receptionists and dental nurses. Records showed that four out of six staff had received a recent appraisal of their work, and that a further two staff were due to receive a review.

Staff said that they worked well together as a team and felt supported by colleagues. Regular meetings were held, which provided some support to staff. However, suitable arrangements were not in place to ensure that staff received appropriate supervision, and were supported to carry out their work effectively.

15 July 2014

During an inspection looking at part of the service

We previously inspected High Peak Dental Care on the 22 August 2013 and 13

February 2014. Following those inspections we had concerns relating to supporting workers. We were specifically concerned by the lack of an annual appraisal and formal support for any member of staff. We found that no staff member had received an appraisal in the 12 months up to 15 July 2014. We also found that there were no formal arrangements for the support of staff members in place. We therefore could not be sure that patients were protected because staff members' performance was not kept under review.

On this occasion we did not speak with any patients but concentrated on staff personnel files and documentation.

We saw nine staff personnel files. We found that none of the staff files contained any information relating to an annual appraisal or formal support of the staff members.

13 February 2014

During an inspection looking at part of the service

We last visited High Peak Dental Care on 22 August 2013. During that inspection visit we identified a number of areas of non-compliance with the regulations. The purpose of this inspection visit was to check that the provider was compliant with the regulations.

During our visit we spoke with the provider and four members of staff. We also spoke briefly with one patient who was in the waiting room before their treatment.

Staff told us that there had been improvements at the dental practice since the last visit, and that other improvements were planned. The patient we spoke with knew that there was a complaints procedure, and said they now knew how to complain should they wish. This patient did stress that they were happy with their care and did not want to complain, although they added: 'There is a notice about how to complain on the wall. I don't think it was there when I came for my last appointment, but it's good to see. I don't remember seeing it before.'

22 August 2013

During a routine inspection

We visited High Peak Dental Care and inspected the premises; spoke with the provider, four members of staff and two patients. We also reviewed documentation, and looked at examples of care records and staff information.

High Peak Dental Care employed two dentists and one dental hygienist. The dental surgery was located on two floors of a building close to the town centre, with disabled parking close by. People with restricted mobility were seen in the ground floor surgery. We saw that the ground floor had level access throughout, with the exception of a small step into the x-ray room at the back of the building.

During our inspection visit we had concerns about the management of medicines, staff training and support and engagement with people who use services. This was particularly in relation to complaints and the use of surveys.

We spoke with two patients at the dental practice. Both patients said that they were happy with their dental treatment, one patient said: 'I'm quite happy, they are all very nice, and my treatment is OK.' A second patient said: 'I think it's all right. The dentist is very nice, and the staff are very friendly.'