• Dentist
  • Dentist

Archived: No. 9 Dental

9 Trafford Road, Alderley Edge, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 7NN (01625) 599792

Provided and run by:
Dr. Shahzad Akhtar

Important: This service is now registered at a different address - see new profile

All Inspections

27 March 2013

During an inspection looking at part of the service

The announced inspection visit on 26 March 2013 was carried out to check if improvements had been made following the previous review of compliance, where we found that the provider did not have a complaints process.

During the course of the inspection, we found that they had introduced a clear and effective process and had provided appropriate information to people using the service.

We spoke to staff and we found they understood how to deal with complaints effectively.

7 February 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke with two people who were visiting the practice during our inspection. People were complimentary about the service they received. One person told us "I am very much treated with dignity and respect." People told us they were given good information about their treatment and knew what to expect.

People told us they were treated well at this practice and they were happy with the service provided. One person we spoke to said; "They are very pleasant, they always send me a text to remind me."

People told us that the practice was always clean when they attended. They told us that staff regularly washed their hands and always wore gloves and other protective equipment when they were being treated. We looked around the dental practice and found that everywhere appeared clean. The work top surfaces were free from clutter and items stored in appropriate places.

We spoke to two people who had attended the practice for treatment and they were both very satisfied with the treatment they had received. They both felt staff were suitably skilled to deliver the treatments that they required. One said; "I have been to quite a few dentists, this one seems to be the best."

We were told that there was no system in place for recording, assessing, investigating and resolving complaints. The manager accepted that there should be such a system in place and stated that this would be corrected as soon as possible.