Archived: Messina Clinic Limited

Unit 8, Interlink House, 73A Maygrove Road, London, NW6 2EG (020) 7372 2497

Provided and run by:
Messina Clinic Limited

Important: This service is now registered at a different address - see new profile

All Inspections

29 January 2014

During a routine inspection

People using the service received information to make informed choices about their care and treatment. People we spoke with said ''they explained everything to me. They gave me choices and told me what to expect.'' We observed the doctors were discreet and protected people's privacy and dignity.

We saw that people's needs were assessed and documented to ensure that the doctors had appropriate information to diagnose and prescribe treatment. Records were well maintained to ensure continuity of care and evaluate progress.

We saw that medicines were correctly obtained and prescribed but were not stored safely and securely. We observed that the provider immediately took steps to make the medicines secure.

Through talking to staff and looking at staff files we were able to see that people's health and welfare needs were met by staff that were appropriately qualified and trained.

The provider had systems in place to deal with comments and complaints and there was information available to people using the service about how to raise a concern or make a complaint.

20 February 2013

During a routine inspection

We found that all care records demonstrated that medical staff had completed a full, in depth assessment having been completed and documented in all files. The assessments were all completed with the patient and included present complaint, medical history, lifestyle, Doctors diagnosis and treatment options clearly documented. Due to the nature of the service we were unable to speak to any people who used the service however we reviewed patient questionnaires and comments made by people who used the service. These demonstrated the satisfaction that people who used the service were happy with their care. Staff that we spoke to were able to tell us what they would do in the event that they had a safeguarding concern. Clinical case reviews happened on a monthly basis and evidence was seen that these were minuted and actions developed form these. An example was seen that a new clinical protocol had been developed from one such review.