• Hospital
  • Independent hospital

Archived: Bolton Pregnancy Advisory Service

Nelson House, 28 Nelson Square, Bolton, Lancashire, BL1 1JT (01204) 521400

Provided and run by:
National Unplanned Pregnancy Advisory Service Limited

All Inspections

2 October 2013

During a routine inspection

We visited Bolton Pregnancy Advisory Service on 02 October 2013. All relevant policies and procedures were in place and there was evidence they were regularly reviewed and updated.

A range of information was available and we saw appropriate consent forms were completed for each patient. Staff were aware of the requirements in regard to consent and capacity and were clear about how to follow the guidance to ensure that informed consent was gained.

Patients were given information and advice around the different options as well as after care, risks and benefits of any treatment. We spoke with one patient who told us, 'Everyone has treated me well from the beginning of the procedure.'

We saw evidence of appropriate recruitment, induction, continual training and professional development for staff. We spoke with two members of staff who felt they were supported in their employment and development.

We saw the service was monitored via a number of audits and checks. Patients completed a feedback form and the information gathered was analysed regularly to help inform continual improvement to service delivery. The most recent analysis indicated a high level of satisfaction in all areas.

The complaints procedure was available to patients within leaflets given to them and outlined on posters in the consultation rooms. Complaints were addressed promptly and appropriately.

Records were completed appropriately, stored securely and retained for the correct length of time.

21 November 2012

During a routine inspection

We visited Bolton Pregnancy Advisory Service on 21 November 2012. We saw that the relevant policies and procedures were in place and there was evidence that they were regularly reviewed and updated.

There was a range of information available and we saw that patients were treated with respect and courtesy and were given privacy and dignity within the consultations. We saw that patients were offered choices of treatment and that a clear explanation was given about each option. After care was discussed with each patient.

We spoke with one patient who said of the staff 'they were very thorough.' She also told us that, although initially nervous, she was well looked after and found it a positive experience.

We saw evidence of staff training and were told by a member of staff that support and continual development was ongoing.

We saw safeguarding policies and procedures and that a clear referral pathway was outlined. Safeguarding questionnaires were completed by all patients and discussed within the consultations.

We saw that all patients completed a feedback form and the information gathered was analysed on a monthly basis to aid service delivery improvement. The most recent analysis indicated a high level of satisfaction in all areas.

We saw the complaints procedure, which was available to all patients within leaflets given to them and outlined on posters in the consultation rooms.