9 January 2019
During a routine inspection
People’s experience of using this service:
• People and their relatives told us they were happy with the service they received and felt safe amongst the staff who supported them.
• People highly praised the caring nature of staff and told us staff were polite and they respected people’s dignity and privacy.
• People were involved in the assessment of their care and encouraged to retain their independence. Their care plans focused on people’s abilities and desired outcomes and provided staff with the information they needed to support people.
• People’s support needs were met. Staff always asked for people’s consent before they supported them.
• Safe and responsive systems were in place for staff to report any incidents, near misses or when people were found missing from their home.
• There were sufficient staff available to ensure people were supported by familiar staff who understood their needs.
• People’s support needs and risks had been assessed and were managed well.
• People received their medicines in a safe and timely manner and were referred to health care services when their needs changed.
• Staff were trained and supported to carry out their role and were knowledgeable about good care practices and their responsibilities to protect people from harm and abuse.
• Safe recruitment processes were in place to ensure people were cared for by suitable staff.
• Quality assurances systems were in place to monitor the quality of the service being provided and actions were being taken by the registered manager to address any shortfalls.
• We have made a recommendation relating to the communication from staff if they were running late and the introduction of new staff.
Rating at last inspection: Good (Last report was published on 13 July 2016.
Why we inspected: This was a planned inspection based on the previous rating at the last inspection.
Follow up: The rating of this inspection and the information and intelligence that we receive about the service will determine the timeframe of our next inspection.