9 March 2012
During a routine inspection
The people we spoke with told us the staff were friendly and treated them with respect and their privacy was maintained. Two people who had brought their children to the practice gave us good examples of how the dentists ensured that communication was age-appropriate and how they encouraged children and young people with good dental habits and hygiene.
One person we spoke with told us all the staff were aware of their anxieties when visiting the dentist and did their best to alleviate them. All five people we spoke with felt confident and comfortable with the practice staff.
People told us they could get appointments at times that suited them. They told us they were aware of the emergency number and had always had an appointment within 24 hours. One person described the care of their relative in an emergency as 'excellent'. We were looked after really well'.
The practice had disabled access with full wheelchair access and two ground floor surgeries. The reception area had a loop system to assist communication with people who had hearing difficulties.
People were protected from abuse by staff who had an understanding of safeguarding and demonstrated good awareness of this subject. Staff had also received training in protecting children and young people and recognising signs of abuse through oral examination.