20 August 2013
During a routine inspection
This was planned inspection to follow up a number of compliance actions made in January 2013. The action plan we were sent told us the service expected to be compliant by July 2013.
We saw people's privacy and dignity were being maintained.
We saw care plans were detailed and gave direction as to the care and support people needed. They had been regularly reviewed.
We saw information about adult protection/safeguarding displayed around the home. The information included contact numbers for the local authority if they wanted to raise any safeguarding concerns.
There were robust and up to date infection control policies and procedures available to staff at all times. The home was clean and tidy at the time of the inspection.
Medication systems in place meant that people were having the right medication that had been stored appropriately. There were appropriate systems in place for receipt and disposal of medication.
There were staff support systems in place in the form of one to one meetings, annual appraisals and staff meetings.
The registered manager had introduced a number of audits and monitoring forms to ensure she could show the quality of the service was being monitored and improved.