• Dentist
  • Dentist

Ebenezer House Dental Care Limited

164 Victoria Road, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN1 3BU (01793) 535108

Provided and run by:
Ebenezer House Dental Care Limited

All Inspections

4 June 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke with six patients who used the services provided by the dental practice.

People were complimentary about the appointment system, competence and professionalism of staff and the level of information provided when they had attended the practice. One person we spoke with said, 'I was really impressed by the service, the dentist took his time and made me feel at ease'. Another person said, 'excellent dental practice, my daughter needed some major work and the dentist took time telling us about the treatment needed'.

The provider sought consent for treatment and patient's records were up-to-date and securely stored. Medical and dental information was documented and people received a copy of their treatment plan.

The premises were clean and well organised and staff routinely followed infection control procedures when carrying out treatments.

Staff received training to keep their knowledge and skills up-to-date.

We found people had opportunities to contribute their views about the quality of the service. The provider had systems for monitoring services provided and had a complaints procedure. People told us they felt they would be listened to if they raised a concern or had a complaint about the services provided.