• Dentist
  • Dentist

Archived: 1a Dental Practice - Spalding

Johnson Community Hospital, Spalding Road, Pinchbeck, Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE11 3DT (01775) 652041

Provided and run by:
1a Dental Practice Limited

All Inspections

6 February 2013

During a routine inspection

1a Dental Practice has three dentists. The patients are all registered with the NHS and so pay NHS prices for treatments. The practice has a list of registered patients who they see for routine check ups and any treatment they require. The practice also has a contract with the Lincolnshire Primary Care Trust to provide emergency dental treatment to anyone who is in pain and who is eligible for NHS care.

We spoke with three members of staff, a dentist, a patient who was registered at the practice and a patient who required emergency treatment.

People told us they were involved in making decisions about their care. One person said, 'When my tooth broke they had to take it out, they did talk about replacing it but I said not to bother.' Records showed people's medical history was taken when they registered with the practice and updated at regular intervals.

People told us the dentist wore protective equipment when treating them. One person said, 'I had glasses and a bib, the dentist wore a mask and glasses.' We saw decontamination processes ensured equipment was clean and safe to use. The environment was clean and tidy.

Staff told us they were supported to deliver safe care. Records showed training in included infection control, safeguarding vulnerable people and first aid.

We saw there were systems in place to monitor the quality of service people received.