13 March 2013
During a routine inspection
People and their relatives were happy with the standard of care and treatment they received. People said the orthodontists took the time to explain their condition and treatment options so they had all the necessary information to make informed decisions about the treatment they needed. One relative said 'I could not be happier with the treatment' and another said 'the orthodontist does not rush and takes their time to treat people'.
The orthodontists ensured they had a full medical history and carried out a thorough assessment of each person's dental condition so they had the necessary information to treat people safely. They also ensured appropriate records were maintained to describe their findings, the treatments they suggested and the treatment that people agreed to.
The practice was clean and had effective arrangements to ensure a good standard of infection prevention and control. There were contracts in place for the management of clinical waste and sharps.
Staff received training and were supported to maintain their competency and skills. They all said they were appropriately supported by the provider. There were effective processes in place for the monitoring and assessment of the quality of the service provided. Actions plans were in place with appropriate timescales to address areas for improvements where these were identified.