During our visit we spoke to three people about their care and treatment. Everybody told us that the dentist discussed the treatment options that were available to them. They all said that the dentist explained things in a way they could understand. One person said: 'He treats you as an intelligent human being and explains things in a way you can understand.' All the people we spoke with were very complimentary about the standard of care they received. One person told us: 'I feel confident that they have my best interests at heart.'
We checked that the practice had the necessary emergency drugs. We found that the practice did not have a drug recommended for the management of epileptic seizures. Another drug was found to be out of date. The provider audited aspects of the service but some of these checks had been made a number of years ago, so may not reflect current practices.
All the staff we spoke with told us that they felt well supported by the provider. They were able to discuss any aspect of their role and took part in any relevant training. Staff explained accurately the processes and procedures in place to decontaminate instruments. They also described the checks they carried out to ensure that decontamination equipment was functioning properly. People we spoke with commented on the cleanliness of the practice and were aware that staff had procedures to follow to reduce the risk of infections and provide clean safe care.