We spoke with ten patients and three members of staff. One patient told us 'I was pleasantly impressed with the practice.' Another patient said 'I hope he doesn't retire as I hope to be coming here as long as possible.' One member of staff told us that they were 'always kept up to date' and there were 'regular staff meetings to discuss things.'The feedback we had from patients was very positive. We were told that the patients felt comfortable in the practice and the staff were 'very accommodating.'
The patients we spoke with said that they were always asked for consent before treatment commenced. One said 'everything is explained in advance.'
We found that the practice had the necessary arrangements in place to ensure that equipment was suitable and safe for the people who used the service.
We looked at staff files and found that the practice did not have recruitment processes in place that met the required standards as detailed in Schedule 3 of the Health and Social Care Act (HSCA) 2008.
We found that the practice had recently introduced a full induction process for new members of staff. One member of staff that we spoke with told us that the practice was a 'very nice practice to work for' and another said 'I enjoy coming to work.'
The practice had systems in place to record complaints and a process to resolve any problems.