• Dentist
  • Dentist

Archived: Highway Court Dental Practice

7 Highway Court, Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, HP9 1QB (01494) 671119

Provided and run by:
Dr. Timothy Windsor

All Inspections

20 June 2013

During a routine inspection

The people we spoke with expressed a high level of satisfaction with the service. People said they had not encountered problems in getting an appointment. On arriving for their appointment they did not usually have to wait long before they had been seen by a dentist. They said they had always been given a good explanation of the outcome of examination and of any treatment proposed.

People's records included details of their medical history and of the examination by the dentist, the outcome, and where required, recommendations for treatment and follow up. The service offered treatment under sedation. The arrangements for sedation appeared in order. Two nurses had received specialist training on the care of people receiving treatment under such conditions. The service had the equipment required to monitor the person and to deal with an emergency.

The service had procedures in place with regard to safeguarding children. Procedures for safeguarding adults were being developed at the time of this inspection.

Procedures for protecting people from the risk of infection appeared satisfactory. Those included infection control systems and procedures, the organisation of work in key areas, and arrangements for monitoring and periodic audit of the procedures. Copies of procedures, schedules of tasks and records of monitoring were maintained.

Arrangements for staff training and continuing professional development ensured staff had the knowledge and skills to meet the needs of people using the service. A system of staff appraisal had yet to be developed.