• Dentist
  • Dentist

Manor Dental Practice

110 Manor Road, Wallasey, Merseyside, CH45 7LX (0151) 639 5182

Provided and run by:
Mr. Ki Chung Ho

All Inspections

8 July 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke with three patients at the practice. Patients told us they were very happy with the service. They told us the practice was 'brilliant', 'great' and 'absolutely marvellous'.

People said the dentist always explained what they were doing, what the treatment options were including risks and benefits and the costs involved. We checked four people's dental records. We found evidence of completed records in respect of dental examinations, assessments, treatment planning and advice.

We saw staff had received annual training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and emergency procedures and appropriate medical supplies were in place to deal with medical emergencies. The practice was clean and well maintained and we saw that infection control and decontamination policies and procedures were in place and followed.

A simple, easy to read complaints policy advised people how to make a complaint. Patients we spoke with said they had no complaints. They said they liked coming to the practice as staff were 'so friendly' and the service was 'quick and efficient'.

The provider did not have a recruitment policy in place but had checked staff were suitably qualified to work in the dental practice and appropriately registered with the General Dental Council. All staff had contracts of employment and job descriptions in place and each staff member's immunisation history had been checked to ensure they were free from infectious diseases prior to employment.