• Dentist
  • Dentist

Miss Julie Sutton - Kibcaps

12 Kibcaps, Basildon, Essex, SS16 5SA (01268) 544838

Provided and run by:
Miss Julie Sutton

All Inspections

27 November 2023

During a routine inspection

We carried out this announced comprehensive inspection on 27 November 2023 under section 60 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 as part of our regulatory functions.

We planned the inspection to check whether the registered practice was meeting the legal requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated regulations.

The inspection was led by a Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspector who was supported by a specialist dental advisor.

To get to the heart of patients’ experiences of care and treatment, we always ask the following 5 questions:

  • Is it safe?
  • Is it effective?
  • Is it caring?
  • Is it responsive to people’s needs?
  • Is it well-led?

These questions form the framework for the areas we look at during the inspection.

Our findings were:

  • The dental clinic appeared clean and well-maintained.
  • The practice had infection control procedures which reflected published guidance.
  • Staff knew how to deal with medical emergencies. Appropriate medicines and most life-saving equipment were available.
  • The practice had systems to manage risks for patients, staff, equipment and the premises. Protocols and procedures for the use of X-ray equipment were not all in line with recommended guidance.
  • Safeguarding processes were in place and staff knew their responsibilities for safeguarding vulnerable adults and children.
  • The practice had staff recruitment procedures which reflected current legislation.
  • Clinical staff provided patients’ care and treatment in line with current guidelines.
  • Patients were treated with dignity and respect. Staff took care to protect patients’ privacy and personal information.
  • Staff provided preventive care and supported patients to ensure better oral health.
  • The appointment system worked efficiently to respond to patients’ needs.
  • The frequency of appointments was agreed between the dentist and the patient, giving due regard to National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines.
  • There was effective leadership and a culture of continuous improvement.
  • Staff felt involved, supported and worked as a team.
  • Staff and patients were asked for feedback about the services provided.
  • Complaints were dealt with positively and efficiently.
  • The practice had information governance arrangements.


Miss Julie Sutton - Kibcaps is in Basildon, Essex and provides NHS and private dental care and treatment for adults and children.

The services are provided by two CQC registered providers at this location. This report only relates to the provision of general dental care provided by Miss Julie Sutton - Kibcaps. An additional report is available in respect of the general dental care services which are registered under G&S Partners Dental Surgery.

There is step free access to the practice for people who use wheelchairs and those with pushchairs. Car parking spaces, including dedicated parking for disabled people, are available near the practice. The practice has made reasonable adjustments to support patients with access requirements.

The dental team includes 3 dentists, 3 dental nurses,1 dental therapist, 1 practice manager and 2 receptionists. The practice has 3 treatment rooms.

During the inspection we spoke with 1 dentist, 3 dental nurses, the dental therapist and the practice manager. We looked at practice policies, procedures and other records to assess how the service is managed.

The practice is open: Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm.

The practice had taken steps to improve environmental sustainability. For example, reducing printing of documents, turning electricity off when not required and recycling where possible.

There were areas where the provider could make improvements. They should:

  • Take action to ensure the availability of equipment in the practice to manage medical emergencies taking into account the guidelines issued by the Resuscitation Council (UK) and the General Dental Council.
  • Improve the practice's protocols and procedures for the use of X-ray equipment in compliance with The Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017 and Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations 2017 and taking into account the guidance for Dental Practitioners on the Safe Use of X-ray Equipment.

19 June 2013

During an inspection looking at part of the service

We spoke with two people who were using the service at the time of our visit. They told us that they were very happy with the care and treatment they received at the practice. They said that all staff treated them well. One person said they were nervous about coming to the dentist but they were made to feel at ease at this practice. The second person said they had been coming to practice for 30 years and they "could not fault them".

They said they were involved in decisions about their care, given clear information about the treatment options available to them and gave consent accordingly. All treatment prices were fully explained. They said that the dentist checked their medical histories at each visit. They said they would recommend the practice to others.

We also received feedback via our website from a patient of the practice who was very complimentary about the care and treatment they received.

At this inspection we reviewed all of the outstanding compliance actions that were placed at our previous inspection in February 2013. We were pleased to find that the practice had worked hard to address these areas and that they were fully compliant with the standards.

12 February 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke with one person who was using the service at the time of our inspection. They described the practice as 'brilliant', and said they would recommend it to others. They said that they and their family had been registered with the dentist for many years and would not wish to go anywhere else. They told us that they were always given treatment choices and were informed of costs before any treatments were started.

We observed that staff were very warm and welcoming to patients and that people were treated with respect.

We found that private patients were not being asked to provide consent before treatments were given; that the planning and delivery of care was not always fully recorded; that decontamination records and practices were not up to date; that staff were not fully supported to carry out their work, and that the service was not being properly monitored and assessed.

Although we found non-compliance in the majority of standards we looked at, the provider acknowledged these shortcomings and was keen to address the problems as soon as possible. We were confident, therefore, that the provider would achieve compliance very quickly and maintain it.