• Dentist
  • Dentist

Archived: The Shergill Dental Practice

2 Longfellow Road, Stoke, Coventry, West Midlands, CV2 5HB (024) 7645 1569

Provided and run by:
Mr. Jagjit Shergill

All Inspections

11 June 2013

During a routine inspection

We visited Shergill Dental Practice on 11 June 2013. During our visit we spoke with dental and reception staff and two people using the service. We spoke by telephone with a further four people after our visit.

People using the service told us,

'It's a very well-run dental practice'I have full confidence with them.'

'I came here in the first place because I heard they were good, I've never been disappointed.'

'The reception staff have always got a smile on their faces ' it's very nice.'

"I live over at Keresley but I've stayed with the practice because I found them reliable and good - I tried a different practice but didn't like it."

'They are absolutely brilliant.'

During our visit we saw the practice was clean and tidy. Processes were in place to ensure that equipment was safe to use and high levels of cleanliness maintained.

We were satisfied that staff had the right skills and qualifications to work with patients. Processes were in place to ensure the safety of people visiting the practice.

We were satisfied the practice had good systems to assess and monitor the quality of service provided.