• Dentist
  • Dentist

Woodcock Lane Dental Care

2 Woodcock Lane, Stonehouse, Gloucestershire, GL10 2EE (01453) 828327

Provided and run by:
Mr. David Lyons

All Inspections

29 August 2013

During a routine inspection

We met with the registered provider, practice manager, receptionist, lead nurse and trainee nurse. In addition we spoke with people who had brought their children to the practice for tooth alignment (orthodontics) and people attending for treatment or checks themselves. The practice was set over two floors, was clean and provided services for those with restricted mobility.

There was sufficient information available for people through the provider's website and in the practice. People were involved in decisions about their care and signed to consent to treatment.

Care and treatment was planned with people. Those we spoke with said the dentist gave full explanations of the treatment. Arrangements were in place to assist in the provision of dental services such as x-ray equipment and decontamination facilities. Staff were trained and had the relevant equipment and medicines to deal with medical emergencies. Staff showed awareness of their responsibilities to protect children and vulnerable adults by reporting any concerns.

The recruitment, staffing levels and support for workers were looked at and showed that all relevant checks were carried out before people started employment. There were sufficient numbers of staff for the smooth operation of the service and staff were supported in their role.

The provider had arrangements in place to ensure that the quality of service provided was kept under scrutiny and responded to comments, suggestion and complaints.