3 July 2013
During a routine inspection
We checked four people's dental records and found evidence of appropriate dental examinations, assessments, treatment planning and advice. All records were up to date.
We looked at infection control and decontamination policies and procedures and saw that the relevant guidance for the cleaning of dental instruments was followed. Contracts were in place and up to date for clinical waste, maintenance of sterilisation equipment and x-ray equipment.
We reviewed staff records and saw the provider had undertaken appropriate checks in the employment of staff. Staff were appropriately qualified and registered with the General Dental Council (the organisation that regulates dental professionals in the UK).
Staff had had received annual training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and the practice was well equipped to deal with medical emergencies.
A simple, easy to read complaints policy advised people how to make a complaint either as an NHS or private patient. People we spoke with said they had no complaints or concerns. They said 'staff were 'welcoming' and made them 'feel at ease'.