During an assessment under our new approach
The home supports older people some of whom were living with dementia. At the time of our visit the service was providing care and support to 69 people.
We carried out 2 site visits for this assessment. We spoke with the manager, 20 staff members, 28 people using the service, 4 relatives and a visiting health care professional. We looked at 19 peoples care records and a variety of records relating to the management of the home.
During our site visit’s there were 9 people receiving nursing care. The provider told us they had consulted with people using the service, relatives, staff and the local authority about their plans to stop providing nursing care at the home. We found that peoples nursing care needs were being met and a representative from the local authority’s placement team was supporting people and their relatives through the transition the process. Following the inspection the provider told us they no longer provided nursing care. An application has been received by CQC to remove nursing care from the home’s registration.
The provider had safeguarding procedures in place and staff had a clear understanding of these. The provider had systems for monitoring, investigating and learning from incidents and accidents.
We found breaches relating to staffing, managing risks to people, person centred care, medicines and treating people with dignity. We also found the provider’s systems for monitoring and improving the quality and safety of the service was not effective. There were no current activities lead at the service. The manager told us they were in the process of recruiting activities staff.