Updated 9 September 2019
The Moat House Surgery is based within a purpose-built property in East Surrey. The practice provides general medical services to approximately 11,800 patients.
The practice has five GP partners and three salaried GPs (three male and five female). They are supported by one nurse practitioner, one nurse prescriber, three practice nurses, one healthcare assistant, two phlebotomists, a practice manager, a patient services manager, an administration manager, an IT & data quality manager and a team of clerical and reception staff.
The practice has a slightly higher than average number of patients from birth to 14 years and over 85 years, there is a slightly lower than average number of patients aged 20 to 30 years and 70 to 84 years old. The practice also has a higher than average number of patients with long standing health conditions. The practice is located in an area that is considered to be in the fourth least deprived area nationally, however the practice area includes one of three recognised areas of deprivation in Reigate and Banstead and has a higher than average number of children and older people affected by income deprivation.
The practice is open between 8am and 6.30pm Monday to Friday. Extended hours pre-bookable appointments are offered 7.30am to 8am Monday to Thursday, 6.30pm to 7pm Thursday evenings and a sit and wait clinic is offered on Saturday mornings from 8.30am to 10:30am. When the practice is closed patients are advised to call NHS 111 where they will be given advice or directed to the most appropriate service for their medical needs. The practice was part of a federation of GP practices that offer evening and weekend appointments.
Appointments can be booked over the telephone, online or in person at the surgery. Patients are provided information on how to access an out of hour’s service by calling the surgery or viewing the practice website www.themoathousesurgery.co.uk.
The practice offers services for its patients including; asthma clinics, child immunisation clinics, chronic disease management, smoking cessation, health checks and travel vaccines and advice.
The Moat House Surgery is registered with the CQC to provide the regulated activities; Treatment of disease, disorder or injury; Diagnostic and screening procedures; Maternity and midwifery services; Family planning and Surgical Procedures.
Services are provided from
The Moat House Surgery
Worsted Green
RH1 3PN.