20 January 2014
During a routine inspection
We saw that there were arrangements in place to act in accordance with the wishes of people who used the service. We saw that people could refuse care if they wished.
We saw that people and their families were involved in decisions about the care provided and details of their needs and interests were included in their care records. Care plans and risk assessments were in place to ensure people received the care they needed. People seemed content to be at the home. One person said they liked their room it was, 'Warm.'
We saw that the home was clean and tidy. There was a rota for cleaning and people who used the service were able to help if they wished. Staff received appropriate training and showed a good knowledge of how they would prevent infection spreading if people became unwell.
There were suitable recruitment systems in place and staff were supported with appropriate training by the provider. So people were supported by staff who had skills to meet their needs. Staff we spoke with said they liked working there. One relative we spoke with said, 'The staff make it a home.'
There were no recent complaints but there was a suitable system in place to report complaints. We saw that people were supported to make complaints if needed. Relatives we spoke with said the managers were very approachable if they had concerns.