15 May 2013
During a routine inspection
We spoke with the person who lived at the home they told said, "I like living here. The staff are all nice". They also told us that, "Staff encouraged them at all times to be independent" and they were glad of that.
We found that people were treated with respect and dignity.
People's needs had been assessed which ensured that their health, personal care, and safety needs could be monitored and met.
We identified that people were given the support and encouragement that they needed to eat and drink sufficiently to prevent ill health. One person said, "I do my own food shopping and only eat what I like to eat".
We looked at parts of the premises and saw that they were clean and hygienic.
Records we looked at and people we spoke with confirmed that systems had been used to monitor how the service had been run to benefit the people who lived at the home.