24 May 2013
During an inspection in response to concerns
The service had not involved people in the planning of their care and we saw some examples of staff not listening to people or respecting their views. People did not have a care plan in place to meet each of their assessed needs. This meant that staff did not have the information they needed about how to care for people properly. We found some examples where people had not received the care they needed as a result.
The service had not always responded appropriately to allegations of abuse. Staff were not able to show us that they would take the correct action if an allegation of abuse was made. The service had not followed proper procedures for recruiting new staff to ensure that people were kept safe.
The service did not have effective systems for checking the quality and safety of the service and for taking action to improve where needed. Some of the records required to ensure people received the care they needed and were kept safe were inaccurate or out of date.