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Archived: Supported Living Service

188 Whitley Wood Lane, Reading, Berkshire, RG2 8PR (0118) 937 5347

Provided and run by:
Reading Borough Council

All Inspections

7 March 2014

During a routine inspection

At the time of carrying out the inspection, there were only seven people using the service. We were informed that the service was closing and was to be deregistered in April 2014. People who use the service were in the final stages of being transferred to other care agencies at the time of our visit.

We looked at the care records for seven people and found that the assessment and care planning system was thorough and comprehensive. It gave clear guidance to staff about how to deliver care safely and effectively. People's individual preferences and wishes were recorded in their care plan.

The agency had a copy of the inter-agency safeguarding procedures and the staff knew who to contact if safeguarding issues were raised. Staff understood the provider's safeguarding procedures and understood their individual responsibilities to report concerns.

The service had a complaints policy and procedure that told people what they should do if they wished to make a complaint. The registered manager told us that they had received no complaints for 2014 up to the date of this inspection.

We saw compliments and testimonials provided by people who use the service such as, 'Thank you for the support you gave us at X. The service you give us is good.' Another person commented, 'Thank you for the emotional support you gave us. We will miss you.' Another person commented, "X will miss all the staff", "staff helped him so much and were all very friendly."

7 February 2013

During a routine inspection

People told us they were happy with the support they received. One person told us the service was "fantastic" and another said the staff were "a good help". People were involved in planning their care and making choices about the support they received.

There were arrangements in place to protect people from the risk of abuse. Staff were supported to deliver care as they received mandatory training in a range of topics and regular management supervision.

The provider had systems in place to monitor the quality of the service and feedback from people who use the service was used to improve the support they received.