During an assessment under our new approach
The assessment was undertaken by two inspectors, a medicines inspector and a professional adviser who was a registered nurse. An Expert by Experience is a person who has personal experience of using or caring for someone who uses this type of care service also attended and spoke to people about their experience of living at Langham Manor.
This assessment was prompted by information we held about this service. As this was the first assessment since their registration, we carried out a full assessment.
People were treated with kindness and were supported by a consistent team of staff who knew them well. Staff were visible and we observed appropriate levels of supervision at lunch time. Recruitment systems were robust, but staff had not always received the training that they needed in key areas. People received their medicines as prescribed but the processes in place required strengthening to keep people safe.
The environment had been completed to a high standard and people had access to variety of spaces and communal areas including an onsite café which gave people an alternative place to meet their family and friends. Safety shortfalls in the environment were however not always prioritised for repair or replacement.
There were clear management arrangements in place and regular audits were undertaken but the systems in place were not fully effective as they had not always identified or acted on findings. The provider was in breach of the legal regulation relating to governance and we have asked the provider for an action plan in response to the concerns.