Updated 31 January 2024
We previously carried out an announced focused inspection on 22 November 2022 and we rated the practice as requires improvement for providing Safe, Effective and Well led services and served requirement notices for breaches identified in Regulation 13, Regulation 17 and Regulation 18. We carried out a short announced comprehensive inspection at Minehead Medical Centre on 14 December 2023 to follow up on breaches of regulation previously identified. At this inspection, we found that: The practice did not have effective systems for the appropriate and safe use of medicines. The practice was unable to demonstrate that they had a systematic process to identified and recall all patients for a review of their long-term condition. There was a large backlog of documents which required action and no process had been introduced to identify and triage priority documents. There was a large backlog of patient notes which required summarising and this had not been appropriately monitored. The practice was unable to demonstrate that all staff had the skills, knowledge, and experience to carry out their roles. Leaders could not demonstrate that they had the capacity and skills to deliver high quality sustainable care. The overall governance arrangements were ineffective. Services did not always meet patients’ needs. Systems to learn and make improvements when things went wrong, were not embedded. Following this inspection, we issued a Letter of Intent to the provider requesting information to mitigate risk identified during inspection. Information submitted to us following this did not provide enough assurance to mitigate risk. We urgently suspended this service on 23 January 202