We considered all the evidence we had gathered under the outcomes we inspected. We used the information to answer the five questions we always ask: ' Is the service safe?
' Is the service effective?
' Is the service caring?
' Is the service responsive?
' Is the service well led?
This a summary of what we found:
Is the service safe?
The manager told us there had been no application for deprivations of liberties safeguards.
We saw evidence of comprehensive and appropriate care planning in place to ensure people living in the home received safe and effective care.
There was evidence of enough skilled staff in place to care for people living in the home. We were told the home was fully staffed and there was one member of staff in the process of completing an induction programme at present.
We were told regular assessment of people's needs was carried out prior to entering the home to ensure their needs could be met by the staffing numbers in the home.
We saw evidence of certificates in place for checks on fire, electric, gas and water. The manager confirmed potable appliance checks would be completed the day following our inspection.
Is the service caring?
We spoke with people living in the home who told us staff were caring and kind. We observed a welcoming atmosphere for relatives, potential residents, visitors and new staff.
We saw evidence of refurbishment taking place. All the bedrooms we looked at were decorated with personal items and mementoes. Evidence of activities equipment for example books were available for people in the lounges. We were told there were ongoing activities taking place and people living in the home told us they enjoyed the activities taking place.
We looked at three care files and they reflected their needs so that staff could care for them safely and effectively.
Is the service responsive?
There were copies of minutes from staff meetings with reference made to topics that were discussed. The staff we spoke with confirmed they attended these meetings.
We saw evidence of completed questionnaires by people living in the home. We saw positive results documented from these.
We were told the home responded to maintenance and repairs promptly.
Is the service effective?
There was a programme of activities taking place in the home. People living in the home we spoke with confirmed they took part in activities.
We saw evidence in care files that people who used the service were seen by external professionals for example the GP or optician.
There was evidence in people's care files that their care needs were being met and reviewed regularly. There was evidence of people being involved in the care files and people we spoke with confirmed they had discussed the care with the staff.
Is the service well led?
The manager is registered with the Care Quality Commission. The staff we spoke with were positive about the manager. People who used the service gave us positive feedback about the manager.
We brought forward our inspection in view of some concerns in relation to incidents that had been reported to the Care Quality Commission. We asked the manager about this. The manager provided us with evidence that appropriate actions, including referral to relevant agencies had been undertaken.
We saw up to date evidence of monitoring and audits taking place. Some examples of these were, care plan reviews, training and weights.
There was evidence of supervision taking place with evidence of notes and feedback from staff seen.