• Community
  • Community substance misuse service

Archived: Harrow DIP

WDP Harrow, 333a Station Road, Harrow, Middlesex, HA1 2AA (020) 8515 7830

Provided and run by:
Via Community Ltd

All Inspections

30 January 2014

During a routine inspection

We spoke with seven people who used the service. Each person we spoke with was very happy with the service received. One person said "This is a great service. The staff are considerate, understanding and don't judge. They always treat me with dignity and respect". Another person told us "My keyworker changed my life. I wouldn't be alive now if it wasn't for them. I am truly thankful for everything they have done for me".

We found that the service always sought consent before treatment was provided. A staff member told us "People have to commit to treatment, and have to agree to attend". We saw that treatment and support was provided to meet people's complex needs, and that the service worked closely with other services to provide holistic treatment and support.

We found that the service had a robust quality assurance system and asked for people's views about their treatment. Records were kept securely and were accurate and up-to-date. Staff were appropriately checked before starting work, and were qualified, skilled and experienced for their roles.

21 September 2012

During a routine inspection

We looked at the care records of eight people; spoke with two people who use the service and three staff members. We found that people were involved in the planning of their care and treatment. One person told us "staff are very good here; they don't just help me with my drug problems they have really helped sort out my life".

We found the service had a 'service user forum' so people could discuss how the service can be improved. This meant that people were able to speak openly and freely about the service but it was also a way for people to come together as a group and support one another.

We looked at the care records of people and found that, on referral, they had relevant care and treatment assessments and these were updated and reviewed on a regular basis. We looked at records that showed where additional health care needs had been identified; people were referred and supported to access other agencies. Staff working in the service had a good knowledge of the people they supported and were well trained. They were able to tell us in detail people's support needs and treatment programmes.

The service was able to identify where people were at risk of abuse and made relevant referrals when this occurred. We found the systems that were in place did not only effectively protect people using the service from abuse but also protected people who were not involved in the service but may have been at risk of abuse due to people's drug addictions.