• Mental Health
  • Independent mental health service

Archived: West Norfolk Community Learning Disabilities Team

Parkview Resource Centre, Birch Tree Close, London Road, Kings Lynn, Norfolk, PE30 5QD (01553) 666680

Provided and run by:
Norfolk County Council

All Inspections

17 September 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke with four people who used the service, five parents and three staff who supported people in various residential settings. Everyone gave us positive feedback about the service. A person said, 'Good, good' and gave a thumbs-up sign when asked about the assistance they received. A parent said, 'I've found the help we've had to be a life saver really. Moving my child from school to adult services has gone well because we had all of the options explained to us by the nurse who knows my child really well and so could give meaningful help.'

People who used the service and their representatives said that staff consulted with them about how they wanted to be supported.

Records showed and people confirmed that they had received all of the healthcare services and support they needed.

We saw that the provider had measures in place to help safeguard people from abuse.

Documents and records showed that robust recruitment and security checks had been completed. This had been done so that only trustworthy staff were employed and could have contact with people who were vulnerable.

We saw that quality checks were completed to help ensure that people consistently received a good standard of service.

6 March 2013

During a routine inspection

During our inspection of 6 March 2013 we spoke with people who use services provided by West Norfolk Community Learning Disabilities Team. They told us they were always asked to consent before care and support was provided to them. One person we spoke with told us, "The staff here are very friendly and they always ask me what I want or what I like".

We saw that people received care and support which was planned with them according to their own personal needs and requirements. People's needs were regularly reviewed with them to ensure care and treatment was delivered in a way which ensured their safety and welfare.

There were arrangements in place for people to be able to transfer from one service to another smoothly with an appropriate sharing of information in place between services.

We saw that people visiting West Norfolk Community Learning Disabilities Team at their location in Kings Lynn were cared for in a safe and suitable premise that catered for their needs.

Staff members were supported to deliver care and support to people that met their needs. Staff members were also provided with the opportunity to obtain further qualifications appropriate to the work they performed.

People were provided with appropriate information in a format that met their needs about how to make a complaint about the service should they feel the need to do so.

23 November 2011

During a routine inspection

We spoke with people who use the service and with their carers and we also observed the occupational therapist conducting an assessment in the presence of staff in the supported living scheme and the person using the service.

People told us that they were very happy with the service. They also told us that the whole team and specific individuals from the team supported both them and their carers.

One person told us: 'This is absolutely stunning care. I am very happy with the bed that they have arranged for me that came with the instructions on how to use it for both me, and the staff who look after me. I am glad they discussed the extra bed for when my girlfriend visits me. They explained all the options to me and asked me to choose.'

This same person explained that they felt safe, and another person stated, 'I feel as safe as I possibly can when they visit me.'

People we saw in the other supported living scheme did not have verbal communication ability, but their posture, behaviour and facial expressions showed how satisfied and happy they were when the occupational therapists visited them.