Updated 3 January 2024
We carried out this assessment between 10 and 26 January 2024. We carried out an inspection site visit on January 10 and 11. We looked at the following quality statements as part of the assessment, safe and effective staffing, medicines optimisation, safeguarding, safe environments. Pinewood Rest Home is a care home that provides accommodation and personal care for up to 16 people. The service specialises in providing care for adults over 65 years of age. At this assessment we found shortfalls in the quality of care and safety of the service. We found breaches in regulations of The Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014. The provider did not have safe or robust processes in place to reduce risks related to the care home environment. This included risks related to fire safety. The provider did not have robust processes in place around the recruitment of staff, which meant candidates suitability for the role was not always fully assessed. Staff did not receive all relevant training in their role. There were significant shortfalls in then number of staff who had received up to date training in key areas, such as safeguarding. People did not always receive their medicines as prescribed. The systems to manage people’s medicines were not always robustly followed or in line with best practice guidance. The provider did not always ensure staffing levels were in line with people’s assessed needs. The service had experienced staff shortages in key areas, such as the chef position, which meant care staff were taken away from caring duties to cover this role. The provider did not have robust systems in place to identify, record and report safeguarding concerns to relevant authorities. Staff had a good knowledge of their safeguarding responsibilities, but safeguarding referrals had not always been made and opportunities to reflect on incidents to reduce risk of reoccurrence were not always taken.