Archived: Beeches Homecare - Corsham

Hartham Park, Corsham, Wiltshire, SN13 0RP (01249) 700285

Provided and run by:
Mrs Theresa Clark

All Inspections

26 September 2013

During an inspection looking at part of the service

We previously inspected this agency in April 2013. At that time we had concerns that recruitment procedures had not been followed consistently. Systems to monitor quality and safety were inadequate.

We returned to the agency to check whether improvements had been made. We were pleased to see progress in both of these areas. The provider was auditing all recruitment files and had introduced recruitment checklists so that a clear audit trail of the process could be seen. They had not however produced a recruitment policy which would outline the procedure for all staff responsible for recruitment.

There were improved systems in place to monitor quality and safety. The provider was regularly capturing feedback from people who used the service. Regular reviews were taking place of care files to ensure they were complete and up to date. The provider had recently installed a new software system which allowed them to monitor performance in a number of areas, although its full capability had not yet been tested.

31 July 2013

During an inspection looking at part of the service

We visited this agency in October 2012 and again in April 2013, when we identified on-going concerns with regard to the lack of support provided to staff employed by the agency. Staff were not up to date with training in essential subjects and were not regularly supervised.

We issued a warning notice which required the agency to take immediate action to address this area of concern. We returned to the agency to see if improvements had been made. The registered provider and the office manager were not available on the day of our visit. We spoke with a senior employee who was covering for the office manager. We looked at training and supervision records and other documents, including the staff handbook. We spoke with four staff over the telephone. Three out of the four staff told us that they felt well supported with training and supervision, whilst one staff member felt that it was inadequate.

We saw that new systems had been introduced so that training and supervision could be better monitored and planned. However, scheduled meetings were not consistently taking place. Training records were incomplete and there was no training plan to show how shortfalls were to be addressed.

We requested information to be sent to us following our inspection and we met with the registered provider to discuss our findings. They advised that we had been provided with inaccurate information on the day of our inspection and provided us with further information, which we took into account when making our judgement but this did not fully mitigate our concerns.

8 April 2013

During an inspection looking at part of the service

We previously visited this agency in October 2012 and we raised concerns in a number of areas. We returned to see whether the agency had made improvements in these areas. We visited the agency office and spoke with the office manager. The registered provider was not available to speak with us on the day of our visit but we spoke with a senior employee. Following our visit we spoke over the telephone with three staff and with the registered provider.

We spoke by telephone with three people who used the service. Feedback was positive. One relative told us, 'they are quite reliable; they do everything I can't do'. Another person told us, 'I am very satisfied, they are very reliable, nice, kind and thoughtful people'.

The provider had taken steps to ensure that support plans were regularly reviewed so that they were fit for purpose, although this piece of work was not complete.

Recruitment procedures had been reviewed in order to ensure consistent practice but we found examples of incomplete pre- employment checks. Although these did not relate to recent appointments, the provider had not audited staff files to ensure that all of the necessary documentation was in place. We found, as previously, that staff did not consistently receive supervision, appraisal or regular training in essential subjects.

Systems to monitor quality and safety continued to be inadequate and we had ongoing concerns that the registered provider was not fulfilling their managerial duties.

11 October 2012

During a routine inspection

We visited the agency office and spoke with the office manager. The registered manager was not available to speak with on the day of our visit. We spoke wih four people who used the service and a relative over the telephone. Feedback was positive. One person told us, 'We rely totally on the service and they have never let us down. They are by far the best agency we have had. If it wasn't for them we would be in a home'.

People told us that they were treated with dignity and respect. People had copies of their care plans but we saw little evidence that they had been involved in developing or reviewing these plans. We found little evidence that people had been contacted by the agency to hear their views first hand.

People's needs had been assessed and support plans had been developed to meet these needs. Care plans were task orientated and were not person centred. Records showed that people received the care prescribed in their plans. People told us they felt safe in the company of care staff and they felt able to raise any concerns with the agency. Staff were provided with information and training so that they knew how to report concerns of abuse.

Staff told us they were well supported in their work but records showed that some staff were not up to date with essential training. and had not received regular supervision or appraisal. Systems to monitor safety and quality and safety were inadequate and we saw no evidence of regular audit.

11 April and 23 September 2011

During a routine inspection

People we spoke to were positive about their care and support and the conduct of the staff towards them. We were told that staff had a respectful and professional approach.

People told us they had had care plans completed, had copies in their homes and were involved in the reviewing of these. People said they were visited by senior carers as part of this process.

People told us that staff completed personal care tasks to a good standard and were always well informed about the content and detail of their individual care plans. We were told that that staff always knew what needed to be done and undertook their work in a friendly and professional manner. People said that staff completed tasks which involved moving and handling in a safe and competent manner and that they were treated with dignity and respect. Two people said they thought the staff were well trained to carry out these tasks.

We spoke to five health and social care professionals who had had an involvement with people who use the agency and none had any concerns about the quality of care and support that is provided. The agency was described as professional and responsive to issues or concerns when they were raised.

People using the service and their relatives said they felt safe with the workers that were provided by the agency.