• Hospital
  • Independent hospital

Archived: Central Middlesex

AKA Park Royal Unit, Central Middlesex Hospital, Acton Lane, Park Royal, London, NW10 7NS (020) 8961 2345

Provided and run by:
InHealth Limited

All Inspections

18 January 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke with two patients who were happy that their care needs were being met by the provider, and felt safe with the care they received from staff. 'I am happy with the service', one patient had told us. 'They advice you on what to do if anything goes wrong' said another patient in response to our question about safety and risk reduction.

We observed that patients' privacy and dignity was respected. The provider had a commitment to eliminating mixed-sex accommodation to maximise patients' privacy and dignity. We saw gender specific cubicles with clear labels; male/female for example. The superintendent radiographer explained to us, 'Patients who have changed into a gown are asked to sit in the waiting area one at a time to maintain privacy.'

The premises were well maintained and appeared clean and tidy. Patients confirmed that staff demonstrated good hygiene practices, some of which we had observed when we arrived. Patients, staff and others were protected from the risk of unsafe or unsuitable premises because appropriate risk assessments of equipment and premises had been completed.

The provider had systems to monitor the quality of the service, some of which we saw had been utilised to produce service improvement plans.

23 November 2011

During a routine inspection

Patients were very satisfied with the service provided to them. Staff were described as 'nice, helpful and professional'. We saw that staff responded in a caring and reassuring way to a patient who experienced a panic attack during the procedure. Safety checks and risk assessments were carried out on all patients before MRI scans were undertaken. Patients were given information on what to expect before coming for the scan.