Updated 30 October 2019
The Park Surgery – CV (known locally simply as Park Surgery) is located in Cirencester, with a branch site in Lechlade and both are within the Gloucestershire local authority area. Park Surgery merged with Lechlade Medical Centre in October 2017. We did not visit the branch site as part of this inspection.
The provider, Upper Thames Medical Group, is registered with the CQC to carry out the following regulated activities from both sites:
- Diagnostic and screening procedures
- Family planning
- Maternity and midwifery services
- Surgical procedures
- Treatment of disease, disorder or injury
The practice addresses are:
The Park Surgery – CV
Tetbury Road
Lechlade Medical Centre
Oak Street
The practice has a contract with the NHS Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), which is made up of 75 general practices. The practice provides General Medical Services (GMS) and offers enhanced services for various immunisation checks.
When the practice is closed, out of hours cover for emergencies is provided by Care UK via the NHS 111 service. The practice is not currently part of any wider network of GP practices. At the time of our inspection there were around 12,500 patients on the practice list, within an eight mile radius.
The practice facilities include eight consulting rooms, two treatment rooms, and toilets including one adapted for patients with physical disabilities, all located on the ground floor. The practice has three male GPs and seven female GPs, four practice nurses and one health care assistant (all female). They are supported by a practice management and administration team. Park Surgery is a teaching and training practice supporting GP registrars training to become GPs and medical students from Bristol University.
The Surgery has a higher than average patient population aged between 65 and 75 years. Ninety-seven percent of the practice population describes itself as white, and around 3% as having a Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) background. The practice area has an estimated low level of socio-economic deprivation, with a score of 9, on a scale of 1-10; a higher score indicating a less deprived area. (Note that the circumstances and lifestyles of the people living in an area affect its deprivation score. Not everyone living in a deprived area is deprived and not all deprived people live in deprived areas). Average male and female life expectancy for the area is 80 and 85 years, which is broadly in line with the national average of 79 and 83 years respectively.
Park Surgery is open from 8.30am to 6.30pm, Monday to Friday. Patients are diverted to the on-call GP between 8am and 8.30am via message link. (Message link is an answering service where an operator takes details of the call and diverts the caller to the appropriate person). Pre-booked appointments are from 8.40am to 5.20pm Monday to Friday. The practice also offered extended hours access from 7.30am to 8am, and from 6.30pm to 8.30pm (days offered varied from week to week). In addition to pre-booked appointments, urgent appointments are available on the same day.