14 August 2017
During a routine inspection
Carisbrooke Nursing home provides accommodation and nursing care for up to 20 people and on the day of our inspection there were 16 people using the service. The service had a registered manager in post. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
People who used the service were safe as the provider managed the risks to their safety and provided staff with training and support to recognise and act on any potential abuse. People were supported with adequate numbers of staff and felt their needs were met. Their medicines were managed safely by appropriately trained nurses.
Staff had received appropriate training for their roles, and had also been supported with regular supervision from the management team. People’s rights to make decisions about their care was respected and those people who lacked capacity to make their own decisions, had been appropriately supported under the principles of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 to ensure any decisions made on their behalf were made in their best interest.
People were supported to maintain a healthy diet and fluid intake and staff showed good awareness of peoples differing dietary needs. People’s health needs were managed by staff who ensured they followed the advice of the health professionals who supported them.
People received kind and compassionate care from staff who had a good knowledge of their needs and people or their relatives were supported to be involved in the planning of their care. Staff caring for people enjoyed working at the service and were respectful towards the people in their care. They showed good awareness of supporting people to maintain their privacy and dignity.
People received individualised care and majority of the care records we viewed were up to date and pertinent to their needs. They were supported to undertake social activities that reflected their interests on a regular basis.
People felt able to raise concerns to the staff who cared for them and felt they would be taken seriously. The management team were visible and we saw there were regular quality audit systems in place that ensured the management team maintained the quality of the service.