• Community
  • Community substance misuse service

Archived: Isis

c/o Hopetown Hostel, 60 Old Montague Street, London, E1 5NG (020) 7426 0399

Provided and run by:
Compass - Services To Improve Health And Wellbeing

All Inspections

29 August 2013

During a routine inspection

At the time of our visit Isis provided support to about 75 women who were experiencing or had experienced substance abuse.

We spoke with three people who used the service on the day of our visit. People were happy with the support they were given. One person told us, 'coming here is the best thing I have ever done. My support worker has helped me so much.' Another person said, 'the staff are very patient, they listen to me.'

People told us they felt involved in their support plan and their consent to treatment was regularly reviewed.

People using the service were safeguarded against the risk of abuse as the service had procedures to identify and responded appropriately if abuse was suspected.

There were sufficient numbers of suitably qualified and experienced staff.

Records were up to date, reviewed regularly and stored securely.

29 November 2012

During a routine inspection

At the time of our inspection the service was providing its services to approximately 110 women.This includes women accessing the service for both Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions. We were able to speak with two people who were visiting the service on the day of our inspection. They told us were satisfied with the quality of care and support offered by the service. One person commented, "they help me a lot." Another person said, "I am very happy with the support offered.They give you food and offer support with my problems, including sexual health. I was apprehensive to come here at first, but I am happy I have made the move."

Staff treated people with dignity and respect and worked with all women who used the service in a non-judgmental manner. They also offered support to women whose first language was not English.

Staff were aware of adult and child protection issues and responded appropriately to any concerns. Staff felt supported by their management team and told us Isis was a good place to work for. People were cared for by staff who were supported to deliver care and treatment safely and to an appropriate standard.