• Community
  • Community substance misuse service

Archived: Compass Harm Reduction Service

17 Albion Street, Hull, Humberside, HU1 3TG (01482) 221552

Provided and run by:
Compass - Services To Improve Health And Wellbeing

All Inspections

17 January 2014

During a routine inspection

People we spoke with said they felt safe using the service. One person told us, 'I feel confident using the service.'

People spoke positively about their experience with the service. Comments included, 'It's always been all right for me; they do help you when they can,' 'They are always here for you if you need help and they don't judge you; the nurse provides medical help' and 'It really is a nice service; it is the best service I know. They care and they are actually good with people; I always walk out with a smile on my face.'

People spoke positively about the staff that worked with them. Comments in a recent satisfaction questionnaire response stated, 'All the staff are very nice and always care about their clients,' 'The staff are very helpful and pleasant to talk to,' and 'The staff are really helpful and always concerned about our wellbeing.' People we spoke with told us, 'I have a lot of trust in staff; they are nice to get on with and polite,' and 'The staff know me by name, it means that someone cares about me.'

People we spoke with were clear about how to make a complaint, although they also said they had never made a complaint. One person told us, 'They have a complaint procedure but I've never had a complaint.' Another person said, 'I would see the head person, although I haven't had to make a complaint.'

2 August 2012

During a routine inspection

There were no people using the service present during our inspection. However, we were shown documents providing evidence of people expressing their views and experiences that the provider collected from complaints and compliments. The views were grouped under access and waiting, relationships, information, environment and quality of care.

The most recent report indicated that 130 out of 135 (96%) of the comments received were positive. Two people expressed concerns that they could not get a pram into the premises and the provider undertook to ask people to ring ahead if they had child care issues. Most people reported The Point as being a warm and friendly environment and everybody who expressed a view said they felt safe and that the staff offered help, support and guidance.