Archived: Compass Criminal Justice Substance Misuse Service

19 Albion Street, Hull, Humberside, HU1 3TG (01482) 223288

Provided and run by:
Compass - Services To Improve Health And Wellbeing

All Inspections

6 September 2013

During a routine inspection

People were asked for their consent and their treatment options were discussed with them. One person told us, 'I gave my consent, it's one of the first things they do, and I had advice of whether relatives would be informed.'

People spoke positively about their experience with treatment. One person told us, 'I've never had any trouble with appointments or staff; they've done me proud.'

We spoke with people who were happy with the way they were prescribed their medicines. One person told us, 'I've never had a script mess up.' Another person said, 'They give you a designated chemist; they ask you if you have any more problems.' However, another person told us, 'I don't think they do enough when it comes to coming off the medication; I could do with some more help with detox and 'as required' medication.' We asked a doctor about this and he informed us that most medications within the 'Detox protocol' were available from a pharmacy without a prescription.

People spoke positively about the staff that worked with them. One person told us, 'The staff have all been sound; they have always been polite to me.'

People we spoke with were clear about how to make a complaint, although they also said they had never made a complaint. One person said, 'I would ask staff if I had a complaint and they would request a complaint form. If they make a decision you can go higher if you need to. They are all right anyway, I've had no problems.'

9 May 2012

During a routine inspection

The service had few appointments during the time of this inspection and we were unable to speak with people who use the service. However, during our last inspection on 9 December 2011, we were able to speak with various users of the service and we received positive comments regarding general impressions and quality of care. We also reviewed feedback that the provider receives from users of the service and noted that all general comments were positive.

9 December 2011

During a routine inspection

People told us they received lots of information about the service from members of staff and they said staff treated them with respect. One person said, 'They do listen to me.' People were offered choices about their treatment and consultation but the nature of the service meant that this was sometimes limited.

People confirmed they had seen and signed their treatment plan to evidence they agreed to the contents. People confirmed they were able to have consultations with doctors and one to one therapy sessions with nurses in private. However, people also told us that this could be interrupted on some occasions.

People we spoke with confirmed they contributed to their care plans and helped to set the actions they needed to achieve their goals. People told us they were involved in their assessment and development of their treatment plan. One person said, 'I set goals for myself.' We saw evidence that people accessed group sessions locally as part of their treatment plan.

People told us they felt safe using the Compass service. One person said to us, 'All the staff are great.'