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Archived: East Lancashire Assessment & Reablement Homecare Service

Brindley Close, Network 65 Business Park, Hapton, Burnley, Lancashire, BB11 5TD

Provided and run by:
Lancashire County Council

All Inspections

1 May 2013

During a routine inspection

People using the service told us they were satisfied with the way the agency delivered their care and support. People said they had a good relationship with members of staff and confirmed the staff took a flexible approach to their work. One person told us, 'Everything has been very good; they have really helped me a lot'.

People were involved in their assessment of needs and the development of their care plan. People's views were taken into account and they were therefore able to influence the delivery of their service.

Appropriate arrangements were in place to handle and record medication in line with people's needs and preferences.

Staff were provided with appropriate training opportunities and received regular supervision.

There were systems in place to monitor and assess the quality of the service. People were asked their opinion of the service and were given the opportunity to complete customer satisfaction questionnaires. We saw the results of the questionnaires completed between October 2012 and March 2013 and noted people had a high level of satisfaction with the service.

During a check to make sure that the improvements required had been made

On our previous inspection on 24 May 2012 we found shortfalls in some aspects of care planning and the medication records. We requested and received information from the provider which confirms improvements have been made to the service and appropriate systems had been implemented to plan people's care and support them with their medication. We have reviewed the information and have assessed the service is now compliant with outcome 4 and outcome 9.

24 May 2012

During a routine inspection

People were satisfied with the service provided, one person told us, 'It is a first class service, everyone is so pleasant and kind' and another person commented, 'The staff are very respectful and thoughtful'. People told us their rights to privacy, dignity and independence were upheld and respected.

People confirmed they had discussed their care needs and care plan with staff from the agency. However, we found the information in the care plans was brief and risk assessments were limited.

We found staff had received training on safeguarding vulnerable adults and had access to appropriate policies and procedures. Staff had an understanding of the safeguarding processes and knew how to raise an alert.

People told us they were satisfied with the support they were receiving with medication; however, we found some of the records had not been fully completed.

There were sufficient numbers of staff to meet people's needs and according to the records seen, staff were provided with a wide range of training opportunities.

People made positive comments about the staff team and felt they could talk to any of the staff or the manager if they had a problem or query. People were asked their opinion of the quality of the service and were given the opportunity to complete a customer satisfaction questionnaire. We saw the results of the survey and noted people had a high level of satisfaction with the service.