15 May 2012
During an inspection looking at part of the service
We saw that people looked well cared for and people told us they were happy with the care and support they were receiving. We spoke with fifteen people living in the home and two visitors. People told us: 'I am very happy here.' 'I like it, I think it has got a very nice social network.' "Really and truly I am quite happy with most things.'
We observed that staff were friendly and respectful towards people. People we spoke with were positive about the care staff. Their comments included, 'Everything seems to run smoothly. Staff know what they're doing.' 'Staff are friendly and kind.'
People told us that if they had any concerns they felt comfortable to report these to the manager for investigation.
We found that some improvements had been made in the management of medicines but the service has not taken action to address all the recommendations made by Solihull NHS Care Trust medication management department.
People told us that they liked the food and confirmed that choices were being provided. On the day of our visit we saw that the main meal looked appetising. Comments included: 'the food is very good.' 'Not bad considering. They have always got a vegetarian choice.'
We saw that an activities organiser was employed at the home and a variety of social activities and social events were being organised and provided. One person that we spoke with told us they had participated in line dancing, lexicon and sherry parties.
We found that staff received training to make sure they had the skills required to care for people, but there were not always enough staff to meet people's needs safely.
We looked around the home and visited some rooms and flats and found them to be suitably clean. People had personalised their rooms to make them more homely and one person told us their room was cleaned every day.
We saw that people had an opportunity to voice their opinions about the care and services being provided within annual questionnaires and regular 'resident' meetings. Areas for action were being identified by the manager as appropriate.