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The Barn

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Heath Farm, Heath Road, Ashby De La Launde, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, LN4 3JD (01526) 322444

Provided and run by:
Autism Care (UK) Limited

Report from 23 April 2024 assessment

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Requires improvement

Updated 26 April 2024

The service was led by a strong and committed management team where governance was well-embedded into the running of the service. The registered manager and the management team shared an ethos and set of values that was embedded in the culture of the service and promoted by staff. We assessed 2 quality statements in the well-led key question and found areas of good practice. The scores for these areas have been combined with scores based on the rating from the last inspection, which was requires improvement. Though the assessment of these areas indicated areas of good practice since the last inspection, our rating for the key question remains requires improvement.

This service scored 57 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Shared direction and culture

Score: 2

We did not look at Shared direction and culture during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Well-led.

Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders

Score: 2

We did not look at Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Well-led.

Freedom to speak up

Score: 3

Managers promoted an open culture of speaking up. They told us it was important to ensure staff felt they could talk to managers when things had gone wrong. A staff member told us, “I can raise suggestions and will say anything at any time and not just in meetings.” Action plans were created following suggestions to show people and staff they were listened to and their feedback was valued.

Systems were in place to encourage people and staff to provide feedback and make suggestions on how to improve the service. The provider had worked with people to understand how certain words and terminology found in care records made them feel to ensure this was changed in line with their preferences. Information on how to make a complaint was available in accessible formats to ensure people were enabled to speak up. Posters on how to make a complaint were displayed so people could clearly see how to do this and who they could speak to.

Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion

Score: 2

We did not look at Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Well-led.

Governance, management and sustainability

Score: 3

Governance was well-embedded into the running of the service. There was a robust framework of accountability to monitor performance and risk. All completed audits resulted in action plans when required. There was a clear management structure in place. The wider management team supported the service which ensured a robust governance system that promoted improvements. Where issues had been identified through the provider's systems, actions were taken in a timely way to ensure good outcomes for people.

Leaders told us they had a constant presence in the building and were observing all the time to ensure people were receiving safe and compassionate support. They operated an open-door policy and told us people and staff were in and out of the office all the time to talk to them.

Partnerships and communities

Score: 2

We did not look at Partnerships and communities during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Well-led.

Learning, improvement and innovation

Score: 2

We did not look at Learning, improvement and innovation during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Well-led.