6 May 2014
During a routine inspection
Reardon Court Domiciliary Care Agency is a service for 26 people receiving personal care in extra care sheltered housing. It is part of a wider care complex including a care home and a day centre. The service had a registered manager who was also the registered manager for the provider’s residential care home. A team leader provided the day to day management of the service.
Although, most people and their visitors told us people felt safe we found that aspects of the service were not safe. People we spoke with told us of concerns they had about the competency of agency staff who were brought in when there was a shortage of permanent staff. We also found some medicines administration errors. Care was effective. People were supported to receive the care they wanted and needed. Most people and those significant to them told us that staff were caring and kind. However, we were told by people that some care staff were not respectful to some people.
The care provided was not always responsive to people’s needs. Most people were supported to express their views and make decisions about their care and support. However, staff and managers were not aware of best interest decisions and capacity assessments for people who were unable to make some decisions.
People and relatives told us that the team manager and staff were approachable. Regular audits were made of the service and accidents, incidents and complaints were monitored. Some improvements identified by the service had been made and others were planned. However we found some issues during our visit which had not been identified by the audits. Effective staff recruitment, training and support for staff was in place. Most people’s views of the service were sought.