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  • Care home

Archived: Badgers Wood

Slade Road, Badgerswood, Ottershaw, Surrey, KT16 0JN (01932) 795010

Provided and run by:
SCC Adult Social Care

All Inspections

15 November 2013

During a routine inspection

We were able to speak with three people in the home when we arrived due to the remaining people being at day services and trips in to the community at the time of our visit. We spoke with other people as they returned from their activities.

They told us staff provided care and support according to their needs. Care records we looked at showed that people's consent had been sought regarding their care and treatment. We found that people's needs and wishes were recorded in a plan of care that was kept under regular review and risks to people's safety were assessed.

Records showed that people were supported by staff that had received training appropriate to their roles, and had been recruited appropriately, including the views of the people.

The provider had an effective complaints system in place, which enabled the people to complain.

28 March 2013

During a routine inspection

We were only able to speak to one person in the home due to the remaining service users being on an outing at the time of our visit. They told us told us staff provided care and support according to their needs. Care records we looked at showed that people's consent had been sought regarding their care and treatment.

We found that people's needs and wishes were recorded in a plan of care that was kept under regular review and risks to people's safety were assessed.

We saw that people were protected from the risk of infections because the provider had good infection control systems in place.

Records showed that people were supported by staff who had received training appropriate to their roles, and had been recruited appropriately.

The provider had an effective complaints system in place. We found that comments and complaints people made were responded to appropriately.

17 January 2012

During a routine inspection

People who use services at Badgers Wood have multiple or complex needs.

We were able to ask them about their levels of satisfaction with some of the outcome areas reviewed.

We observed that people using services, appeared relaxed and at ease in their surroundings.

We saw good interactions between staff and people who use the service.

We observed that staff were attentive to those at home and they demonstrated a good understanding of their communication styles or body language.

Some of the people using services were out of the home on the day of our visit. Records showed them to be taking part in planned day care activities.

Staff were seen to offer support and guidance in a sensitive, knowledgeable and caring manner.