25, 28 June 2013
During an inspection in response to concerns
We spoke with six people living at the home, one relative, five members of staff, which included the unregistered manager and two visiting health and social care professionals. We also attended a meeting with the local authority on 28 June 2013.
People we spoke with commented: 'I have plenty to eat, I never go hungry', 'I probably eat too much' and 'I have no complaints about the amount of food provided to me."
During our visit on 25 June 2013 it was confirmed that the local authority were in the process of moving people out of Park View Residential Care Home to placements where it could be assured that their needs could be met. As a result some regular staff said they were leaving because of the situation. The local authority was then tasked with covering staff shortfalls within the home to ensure that people received care to meet their needs.
We wrote to the provider on 25 June 2013 asking for any documents, information or records they had that showed they had taken all reasonable steps to ensure the financial viability of Park View Residential Care Home.