This inspection took place on the 26 October 2016 and was unannounced.The Assessment & Treatment Service provides specialist medical and therapy support to other David Lewis locations, primarily on the campus located at Warford in Cheshire.
Services include 24 hour nursing cover and a minor injuries clinic as well as a variety of other services such as diagnostics, neurology, occupational therapy and dietetics.
The last inspection took place on the 15 January 2014 and we found at that time that all the legal requirements were met.
The service has a registered manager. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
During this inspection we found that the service was well organised and managed, ensuring that robust arrangements were in place to provide medical and nursing cover for the people living on the David Lewis campus.
Risks to people using the service were regularly reported on and analysed. Where risks had been identified the service had been proactive in looking at potential causes and putting measures in place to try to reduce them.
There were clear and detailed policies for the administration of medicines, which enabled to staff to work autonomously to some degree for the benefit of people using the service.
Training was seen as being of extreme importance and all the staff we spoke with told us that opportunities for training and further development were excellent.
Staff were very aware of the need to gain consent from people using the service, prior to any treatment being given. They demonstrated thought and compassion in describing how they achieved this.
Records of all the care and medical interventions people received were held electronically and there were good systems in place for updating them and ensuring they were accurate.
The registered provider had a number of systems in place to ensure the quality of the service.