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  • Homecare service

Archived: Care at Home - Warford

Mill Lane, Alderley Edge, Cheshire, SK9 7UD (01565) 640109

Provided and run by:
The David Lewis Centre

All Inspections

11 February 2014

During a routine inspection

During our announced inspection on the 11 February 2014 we spoke to the Registered Manager, one of the three members of staff and one of the two people who used the service.

We were told that people were encouraged and supported to be independent. For example people could chose to do their own shopping, plan their own menus and cook their own food.

We spoke to one of the two people who used the service. They had positive things to say about the provider and the staff. We were told; 'I am very happy with the way things are going.'

We spoke to one of the two people who used the service and they confirmed that they felt protected. They told us; 'I know if there was a problem, they would definitely do something to sort it out.'

The staff we spoke to told us that there was effective team work in place. They told us that the Registered Manager was approachable and helped keep morale high.

People using the service that we spoke to knew that they could complain if they were unhappy about something, one person said; "I only had one problem and it was dealt with straight away.'

27 February 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke to one person who receives a service and they told us they had known their carer for a number of years and knew them very well and said "they know me too".

They said 'I have absolutely no problems at all'. They also said 'my carer is always on time'.

The person told us they felt listened to and was treated very well. They told us they were able to live their life as they wished and felt supported. They told us they were contacted regarding any changes to their carer.

The person was very positive about the support they received from staff with their daily lives.

We were told people who receive a service live very independently and the service provided social support for example GP visits. All activities were determined by the people who receive the service.

26 January 2012

During a routine inspection

During our inspection we visited people who use the service and spoke with them about the service they received. People told us their views and wishes about how they wish to be supported were taken into account. People told us they were treated with respect by staff. They told us they were provided with information which included contact details on what to do in an emergency.

People who use the service told us they were supported by staff in a way that meets their needs and keeps them safe. They told us they were fully involved in any decisions about changes to their care and were confident their views/concerns would be listened to and acted upon.

The people we spoke with told us staff treat them with respect and they had no concerns about their safety or well-being.

People were very positive about the support they received from staff with their daily lives. They told us that staff were kind, caring and treated them with respect. One person told us they were able to request changes if they were not happy with the staff who were supporting them

We were told by people they were regularly asked if they were happy with the service they receive from Care at Home, Warford. They told us that senior staff from the David Lewis organisation contacted them by phone. They told us they were confident any concerns or worries they had would be listened to and acted upon. People told us they were supported by their family and that their social worker attended their review meetings.